Wimmera Wellness


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Keep head lice at bay with our HEAD LICE PREVENTATIVE. As a child, I remember the discomfort of having to use various smelly solutions to rid my scalp of these pesky bugs. And recently, we have been receiving an influx of requests for a product like this, so we have developed an effective solution.

For maximum effectiveness, use this spray every evening before bed and every morning before school. Applying anti-nit essential oils to your child's hair daily can prevent lice from infesting and causing discomfort.

The main anti-nit essential oils are Tea Tree oil, Lavender oil and Eucalyptus oil.

The results of a study show a 100% success rate in eliminating head lice within 30 minutes when using a 1% dilution of Tea Tree oil. With consistent daily use, this treatment effectively gets rid of unwanted pests from your children's hair.

$12.95 for this all natural and super effective prevention. Order now!