Wimmera Wellness

DIY : 2 x 10mL Rollers

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Okay! So it's lockdown for most of Australia right now and add to that the hunger people have for essential oils and DIY, we have created this first bundle the "2 up!" 🎊

... it's got everything you need to make 2 x 10mL rollers for yourself, guided by our master Aromatherapist Lisa. 

When you place your order you'll receive a message from our team asking what 2 rollers you'd like to make so we can customise your package 📦 


- sleep support 

- emotional support 

- immune boost 

- respiratory support 

- mood boosting 

- hormone support 

- calming etc! 



2 x 10 mL rollers 

1 x 20mL fractionated coconut oil 

oil key (to open 10mL roller)

recipe cards (per the blends you choose)

Essential oils in small drama (as per the blends you choose) 

Labels for your rollers 

we only have a limited amount of these gorgeous rollers so when they're gone, they're gone! 

*add to cart now and get sorted  for lockdown!